Bible Study — Sunday School

Preschool through Adult Classes meet in-person Sunday Mornings @ 9:40 a.m.

Sunday School is an integral part of our ministry here at Oakmont.  

The mission statement for our Sunday School is: 

"To Connect with God and Friends through Bible Study"

Our Sunday School classes provide places to develop close relationships with either small or larger groups of people. Through fellowship and Bible Study, members of all classes have the opportunity to listen, learn and share the experience of their personal spiritual journey with other believers.

To see a list of our Sunday School classes  CLICK HERE.

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    Kindergarten and Younger

    Sundays @ 9:40am

    gather in room 203

    see our weekly E-Connections

    for monthly online theme,

    teaching topics, videos, and songs.

    (click on CONNECT tab and scroll down a bit)



    1st thru 6th grades

    Sundays @ 9:40am 

    gather in room 507

    see our weekly E-Connections

    for monthly online  theme,

    teaching topics, videos, and songs.

    (click on CONNECT tab and scroll down a bit)


    Sundays @ 9:40am

    7-12 grades meet in Youth Room

    for a time of gathering and discussion with Ben Gurganus


    Youth Group 6-12 grades

    Sunday Evenings @ 5:30pm

    meet @ Branches

    Arrive 5:30, Dinner 6:00, SmallGroups 6:30


    Click HERE for SEPT 4, 2024 YOUTH NEWS !!!


    to get on youth email list

    send email to


    to get youth updates by text

    text OAKMONTYOUTH to 94090

     (for youth, youth leaders, and parents


    Click HERE for more information.

    We currently meet at 11:30am every 4th Tuesday in the Fellowship Hall.

    Bring your own lunch... 

    drinks & dessert are provided. 

    Other trips, speakers and activities are also planned throughout the year so check our calendar!


    We have classes for:

    Young Adults who may have children. Adults who may have children in middle &/or high school.

    Adults who study various books in place of SS literature.

    Women's group (all ages).

    Classes for older coeds.

    Senior Adult class.


    Wednesdays  *  11:00 a.m.

    A Coed Bible Study is on the

    book of PROVERBS  (room 300) 

    Sept 25 - Dec 11, 2024

    The only book needed is a Bible.

    Handouts with additional information

    will be given out in class.

    Drop-ins welcome!!!

Wednesday Bible Study

Jesus said... "Go out and train everyone you meet,  far and near,  in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name:

Father,  Son  and  Holy Spirit.  Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you.  

I'll be with you as you do this, day after day after day,  right up to the end of the age."

Matthew 28:19-20  from The Message

These words of Jesus describe spiritual formation-reaching people and teach them to live their lives like Jesus. 

Through our spiritual formation classes, we seek to help people know Jesus more relationally and better understand

how to live in their daily lives like Him. 

Spiritual Formation classes help individuals grow and mature on their Christian journey as they study and have discussions in both small and larger group settings.