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Missions Ministries
Missions is being sent by God and God’s people into the world to minister to the whole person in word and deed.
It is about building relationships and meeting physical, tangible and spiritual needs of people in our world in the name of Jesus Christ. Oakmont has several mission education groups for children, women and men that meet throughout the year.
Oakmont is also partnered with a variety of local and national ministries that we support with
finances, prayers, volunteers and other tangible resources.
Each Christian has been given spiritual gifts and natural talents that are to be shared and used for the growth of God’s kingdom.
Oakmont’s goal is to equip and encourage individuals to find their place of service and outreach in the world.
Contact Alicia Porterfield, Minister of Missions, for more information.
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Backyard Buddies Tutoring
BYB - is a one-on-one tutoring/mentorship program. Students are paired with a tutor to meet their individual needs.
Baptist Children's Homes of NC
Our Preschool is just one group from the church that collects and supports the Baptist Children's Homes of North Carolina.
Tuesday Meals Ministry
This group cooks and serves meals to our home-bound members. Others fix food boxes for our community neighbors.
We meet on Tuesday Mornings at 10:00 in Room 307 to make lap robes, shawls, baby items, dish cloths, etc. for those who are in need or hospitalized.
Ramp Builders
A group of dedicated men who are committed to helping those in our community who are disabled and unable to get in and out of their homes, to doctors appointments, shopping, etc.
Oakmont's Closet offers gently used clothing free of charge to those in need. Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday from 3-5pm.
Located @ back of church by playground
Outings, guest speakers and lunches are some of the things we are involved in.
Our lunches are held every 4th Tuesday. Right now we are meeting in the FH at 11:30. Bring your lunch. Dessert and drinks are provided. Come, bring a friend!
Senior Fest @ Chowan University this March featured Pepper Choplin.
Good to see everyone again!
Music Ministry
Music is a proven way to impact almost every person who walks through our doors. Whether through participation in one of the musical groups or listening to them in worship experiences, Oakmont’s Music Ministry is at work enhancing meaningful worship. Since Old Testament times, music has been an essential part of worship. As music is a gift from God to be used for His glory, we strive to make music of excellence in honor of the One who gives such wonderful gifts.
Oakmont's Music Ministry allows persons of all ages to invest their gifts and talents with a wide variety of music styles. Being a part of the Music Ministry offers people a way to learn more about their faith; provides opportunities to improve their musical talents; gives a chance to be involved in outreach in the community; helps to provide effective times of worship; and offers an avenue of fellowship with other musicians in our church family!
You are welcome at any time to become a part of the Music Ministry of Oakmont Baptist Church. Many of the musical groups coincide with the school year but some do not and meet year round. When you take a closer look, you'll discover various musical groups for all ages including Choirs, Vocal Ensembles, Handbell Ensembles, Praise Teams, Instrumental Ensembles, and other individual opportunities. All skill levels are welcome to come and be a part of these groups!
Contact Karen Meetze, for more information.
Service & Ministries:
We believe Oakmonters are often ready and willing to serve within the church but may not know all of the opportunities. Below are some unique areas where volunteers might be interested in helping.
Some folks will give an hour a month; others might serve multiple times.
If interested, please contact the listed individual (below).
Men and Women - High School Age and Older.
When not using our pre-filled communion cups, you can help fill the cups with grape juice in trays.
Help cut up the bread and place on trays. Set up the Communion Table.
Clean up following the service.
Contact: Carol P. Brown (
Brenda Fincher (
Lauri Johnson (
Deacon Ministry
The Diaconate serves along with the Pastor and church staff as a part of the pastoral care and leadership team for the church.
Biblical qualifications for the office of Deacon can be found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. Deacons minister to families during times of hospitalization, grief experiences, death, and family crises. Deacons also have a proclamation and leadership responsibility to the church as they lead in worship, and help to give overall direction in the spiritual aspects of church life.
Click HERE for Active Deacons list.
Individuals and Families
Greet people as they arrive to the building.
Stand at designated doors before and after service to assist people into the building.
Help those who are new find their way around the buildings facilities:
a Sunday School class, bathroom, welcome area where they can pick up weekly, monthly or quarterly materials,
as well as information about our Worship Services, etc.
Contact: Ben Gurganus (
Orientation Team
Men and Women—High School Age and Older
Greet those coming into Community and Covenant with Oakmont.
Help fill out information cards.
Stand in Narthex with new people.
Provide additional information and have people sign our registry.
Contact: Lisa Stevens (
Technical Ministry
Men and Women — High School Age or Older
Be a part of a team of 4+ people to run one portion of the equipment--cameras, sound, or projections.
Training provided.
Contacts: Caroline Dail Bissette (
Macon Dail
Men and Women-High School Age and Older
Help greet people as they enter the Sanctuary for worship or special services.
Help people find seats (especially those arriving after the service begins)
Help our Security Sexton by keeping a watchful eye for any difficulties.
Contact: Ed Congleton (