The Bible, Marriage,
and Sexuality
A Holy Conversation
Wednesday Nights • 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
March 2 – May 18, 2016
The Bible, Marriage,
and Sexuality
A Holy Conversation
Wednesday Nights • 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
March 2 – May 18, 2016
Section Title
March 2
Introduction of Course
led by Dr. Greg Rogers
March 9
Old Testament Scriptures
led by Dr. Barry Jones, Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, Campbell University Divinity School
March 16
Old Testament Scriptures
led by Dr. Barry Jones, Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, Campbell University Divinity School.
March 23
No Class (Maundy Thursday service on March 24 at 6:15 p.m.)
March 30
No Class (Spring Break)
April 6
New Testament Scriptures
led by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dean and Professor of New Testament and Greek, Campbell Divinity School
April 13
New Testament Scriptures
led by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dean and Professor of New Testament and Greek, Campbell Divinity School
April 20
Sexuality in Current Culture
led by Mari E. Wiles, Minister to the University and Associate Dean of Students, Chowan University
April 27
Human Trafficking, Prostitution and Pornography
led by Pam Strickland, Director of ENC Stop Human Trafficking Now
May 4
Oakmont and Homosexuality
May 11
The Evangelical Christian Response to Homosexuality
May 18
The Evangelical Christian Response to Homosexuality
From the Pastor
Oakmont has a positive history of offering Bible study surrounded by healthy and holy conversations on important issues during special Sunday and Wednesday evening small and large groups, and our annual adult Vacation Bible School. We have discussed world religions and sectarian groups, most recently looking at Islam with Dr. George Braswell from Campbell Divinity School. We have examined the Jewish roots of our Christian faith. We have addressed the issue of immigration from a biblical perspective. Last spring we explored death, dying, grief, funeral planning, and palliative and hospice care. We used the VBS week last summer to hear first-hand from many Oakmont and other community leaders about alcohol and drug addiction, money and debt, mental illness, and racism in our world.
Now we will offer a Bible study and discussion beginning Wednesday, March 2 entitled “The Bible, Marriage, and Sexuality: A Holy Conversation.” The 10-week schedule is included in this edition of our newsletter. We assembled a small team of our deacons to develop the topics we will address through a biblical framework. We are grateful for those persons with particular expertise in these areas who will help us study and think about these important issues. The content will include premarital sex and cohabitation, marriage and divorce, homosexuality and same sex-marriage, and issues surrounding human trafficking, prostitution, and pornography.
There are several things I want you to know in advance of this study and conversation. Many of the study sessions will carry a “R” rating. If some of the Old Testament scripture in particular were made into a movie, it would carry that rating with additional words that state “viewer discretion advised.” Many of these Old Testament passages are sexually graphic in nature as they reflect the realities of human existence in their times. Be prepared to blush!
The Bible, especially the model of Jesus, provides us ample material on how to have these holy conversations with each other on important topics that are enveloped in prayer, soaked in scripture, and laced with love, grace, and listening hearts. I hope you will bring all of those important tools as we share in this biblical study and holy conversation together beginning on March 2.
Your Pastor,
Greg Rogers