Worship Moments from the  Minister of Music

Thank you for welcoming Dave and me into your family this past Sunday as we officially declared Oakmont our home church.  As I write my final Worship Moment for this initial phase of welcome, I want to encourage something that I believe can revolutionize our worship experience together.  This past Sunday, our Call to Worship was a prayer of preparation.  Pastor Eric also mentioned a pre-worship prayer of preparation in his sermon.  What would happen if we all prayed a prayer of preparation on our way to church every Sunday?  Would our worship be more engaged?  Would we find ourselves more attentive and responsive?  Would we be more alert to the needs of others?  Should we try it and find out?  . . . Here is a sample prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father, direct my being toward you on this day of worship.  Quiet my heart of all distractions, fill my heart with your Holy Spirit so I can praise you fully, open my heart to receive and respond to your Word, and saturate my heart with the love of Christ toward my brothers and sisters who need me.  Show me how I can serve them well.  In Jesus' name, amen.

Come Worship with us!

Sunday Morning Worship  10:45 am  

Click HERE for Worship Sermons, Dates & updates

Sunday School classes meet at 9:40 am. 

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Oakmont Baptist Church

1100 Red Banks RD

Greenville, NC 27858


Ways to live stream our WORSHIP:

Live Stream our Worship Service at 10:45am every Sunday

 (scroll down a bit to see the green Live Streaming box) 

Facebook:  www.facebook.com/oakmontbaptistchurch

BoxCast app:  use on iPhone, iPads, Apple TV or Roku devices

Cable Channel 7 Sundays @ 12:15pm  our 10:45 services are taped and replayed at 12:15pm the same day

                           YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwArym8UUGv5i1gsTvThv0g

Live Streaming

  • Our Sunday morning services are available live each week
  • Click HERE to go to our Live Streaming page.